Kids Programs

Enable Art plans multiple classes for different age groups and skill levels about 4-5 times a day. This means Enable Art is seeing anywhere between 50-80+ students and clients a day. When there is poor communication it leaves Chloe waiting for students before class get’s started, extra prep time for people who might not show up, and additional costs since each class needs to have supplies purchased before hand. With Enable Art programs becoming more popular and the demand rising Enable Art strives to maintain order in the classroom and making sure classes start on time. When Chloe is working in her kids programs and is unaware students are skipping class or went home sick, she has to take her focus off of her room full of students and getting class started, to trying to find client’s names, phone numbers and contact information to try and track down where a child is.

Client must communicate with Enable Art if the student will be absent or late to class so that class can start on time. If a client decides to consistently not communicate with Enable Art about the student being absent or running late, Enable Art has the right to refuse service. Chloe is aware that there are days work runs late or something goes wrong, all we ask from our client’s is to keep us informed so we can plan accordingly.

Frusterations & Questions

If there is a problem, question or frustration that needs to be addressed by a guardian or student, Enable Art asks that the conversation is held outside of classroom time. We ask that you call or text our business line or email us at to set up this meeting.

If a client calls, texts or leaves a message with Enable Art during business hours (not including social media outlets), we will try and respond within 24 hours or the next business day. If you would like a quick response make sure you are contacting our business number 509.593.0555

Social media messages are rarely checked in a timely manner.