KIDS | After School Art


KIDS | After School Art

from $47.50

Registration for 2023-2024:

Registration is open for this year’s After School Art Classes!!!!!!

If you have not registered your student for the current school year (September 2023-August 2024) click here. Registering your student does not save their seat. You will need to purchase your classes to save their seat.

Classes are scheduled to start September 12th and we can’t wait to have your young artist in class! We are offering After School Art Courses each month and would love for your kiddo to join!

Art Courses for KIDS - Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 3:15-5pm

  • Ages 5-13 years old

Tuesday and Wednesday classes are almost two hours long and include all supplies and snacks. Students can come once or twice a week. Classes can be purchased by the month since each Art Course is broken into one calendar month. Some monthly courses will be longer or shorter depending on the length of the month, major holidays or vacation days. Each week we will be going over different mediums and topics.

This year we will be covering mediums like: Acrylic Painting, Watercolor Painting, Oil Pastels, Chalk Pastels, Clay, Drawing & Sketching, Colored Pencil, Markers, Paper Crafts, Sculpting, Crafting, Pen, and more! Most classes we will be starting and finishing a project the same day.

If you would like to see what mediums we will be going over each week you can check the After School Art Class Calendar for 2023-2024 or you can view the schedule in pdf form at the bottom of this page.

CHANGES THIS YEAR *please read*

CALENDAR | Please make sure to check the Enable Art calendar so you are aware of the days we will not be in session. There are scheduled vacation days and holidays on the calendar so you will need to make sure you are aware of the days we will not be in session. Enable Art only charges for the day’s we are in session, that’s why pricing varies month to month. We preschedule days we will not be in session so families can plan accordingly. If we have to cancel due to bad weather or an emergency you will be notified as soon as possible.

WWVA CLASSROOM AND NEW STUDIO SPACE | Enable Art was not going to start our After School Art Program until we were moved into our new studio space on College Ave here in College Place, Washington. Since we are not sure on the exact move in date as of right now, we will be starting our After School Art Program in the WWVA Classroom and will be updating all parents when classes are moved over to the new studio space on College Ave.

NO ROGERS PICK UP AFTER SCHOOL | Enable Art will no longer be picking up students at Rogers Adventist School even when classes are located in the WWVA classroom. Since we will be moving over to the new location soon we will start our new policy where all students need to be walked into the classroom by a guardian.

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